Let's Talk Turkey!

Raised on a Turkey farm and educated at a small bush school, teamwork became apparent in my life from a very early age.  We all needed each other whether we were the youngest or the oldest when it came to skipping with a long rope, playing soccer or softball. There was always a leader who placed us in the positions where we would be the most effective and even though at first we may have complained about being in the goal or in the outfield, the lessons learned were carried throughout life. To win we needed to be a united team of individuals and put in 100% in the role we were in to achieve our goal.  

In 1994 when I established my company Optimum Operating Procedures and Services (better known as OOPS) it was only a few months before I began hiring a team to assist me as my company grew, however, I will admit it wasn’t planned out very well at first as the workload grew rapidly, so I learnt on the run to manage and lead a large growing team. 

I truly believe it is the years of being an employer that assists me in developing and delivering programs for Frontline team members and the Leadership teams of my clients.

Starting my career in the hospitality industry in the 80's and the staple "corporate lunch" to the current lockdown challenges I have experienced and been part of it all as the industry has evolved.  Niching into the Registered Club industry and growing my services as the industry diversified provided me an opportunity to explore the hospitality and casino industry in depth here in Australia and globally,  My company now offers a multidisciplinary leading edge customer focus that has evolved over the past 27 years. 

These real life experiences and leading edge knowledge and skill set equipped myself and team with a "toolkit" for ensuring our clients service and organisational and personal development outcomes are understood and optimised.

Our platform of Hospitality services feature:

  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Market differentiation (a distinguishing Brand)
  • Enhance / sustainable profitability
  • Vibrant teams / exciting and engaged workplace
  • Personal growth / career advancement

My lifelong journey of learning has provided me the opportunity to attend and speak at conferences globally to grow my knowledge but more importantly to share with my clients to assist them in the growth of their venues.

  • National Restaurant Association Conferences – Chicago
  • G2E Las Vegas (attendee and speaker)
  • G2E Macau
  • Food & Beverage Study tours – USA
  • Casino research and conferences – Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, UK and Europe
  • National Speakers Association USA conferences
  • Customer Service, business and market research conferences – USA and Asia  
  • Tropical Innovation Festival - Leadership & Innovation 2024



  • Disney Institute Alumni – CX Summit Disneyland, California and Disney’s Approach to Customer Service, Disney World, Orlando
  • Certified Speaking Professional – Professional Speakers Association
  • Accredited Trainer and Assessor
  • DISC profile certified
  • Past Board Member of the Global Speakers Federation
  • Member – Mystery Shopping Providers Association SEA
  • Her Business
  • Business Women Australia
  • Her Empire Builder


With my passion of talking I joined Professional Speakers Australia in 1996 to craft my presentations so that they are bespoke for every client to ensure the audience learn, laugh and put into action an idea that will develop their potential, build business growth and bring others in their team on a journey of success.  I have moved on from “talking to turkeys” to a “Certified Speaking Professional (CSP),  Only 12% of the 5,000+ speakers worldwide, who belong to the 16 member associations of the Global Speakers Federation, currently hold this designation.  I was honoured in 2018 to be asked to be the Australian Ambassador and Representative for Professional Speakers Australia on the board of the Global Speakers Federation, growing the links between countries and the speaking community.

My company is values driven, reflected in my life and who we do business with:  Dignity, Honesty, Integrity, Confidentiality, Ambition, Trust, Respect, Family



Realising a long term goal I became an author, not once, but twice.  

“Igniting Potential” the title of my first book established me as a recognised author; leading me to deliver my second book “The VIP Principle - Discover how guest experiences build long-term growth". "The VIP Principle" has been widely accepted and regarded as an amazing resource to those in the hospitality, gaming and casino industry.




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